Analysis, Commentary, Musings
Analysis, Commentary, Musings

Analysis and insight on tobacco and vapor
products in the Centennial State
• Cigarettes: $0.84/pack
• Other Tobacco Products:
40% Manufacturer's Price
• E-Cigarettes: None
Excise Taxes
E-Cigarettes Defined as Tobacco Products?
E-Cigarettes Included in Smoking Bans?
Flavor Bans?
Yes, in certain localities.
Key Points:
Colorado’s vaping industry provided more than $412 million in economic activity in 2018 while generating 2,821 direct vaping-related jobs. Sales of disposables and prefilled cartridges in Colorado exceeded $8.7 million in 2016.
As of January 8, 2020, CDPHE has reported eight cases of vaping-related lung illness. CDPHE noted that three of the patients reported vaping THC. CDPHE earns an A for its reporting on vaping-related lung illnesses.
In 2017, 27 percent of Colorado high school students reported using vapor products at least once in the 30 days prior to the survey. There is no information on frequent and/or daily use. More data is needed.
Only 3 percent of FDA retail compliance checks resulted in sales of e-cigarettes to minors from January 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019.
Colorado spends very little on tobacco prevention. In 2019, Colorado dedicated only $23.6 million on tobacco control, or 8 percent of what the state received in tobacco settlement payments and taxes.

FDA Compliance Checks
January 1, 2018 - October 1, 2019

Types of Products Sold